Sweet Dog Was Surrendered To A Shelter With His Portrait, Then Something Wonderful Happened
A great number of dedicated pet owners will run to judgment when they see an abandoned pooch at a shelter, including myself… to be honest.
However, not all stories of doggies left behind include irresponsible owners who just wanted to get rid of their pet.
Sometimes, pet owners face life struggles that force them to leave their furry buddies behind, even though they don’t really want to.
One of those furry companions is Abby… a senior pooch that was left without a home, but with all her belongings, including a special surprise.
A Dog With A Portrait
Abby, an adorable senior Beagle, was found in a local shelter in Virginia and rescued by Sanctuary Rescue in March 2023.
A 12-year-old adorable pup was left at the shelter with all of her belongings, including her own portrait.
This was a heartbreaking moment for both the people at the shelter and the Sanctuary Rescue staff, as it shows how much love Abby had from her family. It must have been torture for them to separate from her.
Stories like this one are just more proof that not all families give up on their furry family members because they don’t love them anymore, but because they’re not able to take proper care of them.
According to Sanctuary Rescue, when they came to pick Abby up, they received her sweaters, toys, bed, health records, and a portrait of Abby’s lovely face.
Rescue In Loving Memory Of Elizabeth
One of the reasons why Abby was rescued by Sanctuary Rescue was Elizabeth Ratcliffe… a Beagle owner who donated a significant amount of money to the center over a long period of time.
Unfortunately, Elizabeth passed away last year, and the staff from the rescue decided to rescue Abby in her honor, as Adri Yancey, the president of the rescue, mentioned in an interview for Southern Living.
This rescue meant a lot not only for Abby and her family, but also for everyone at the rescue, which makes the whole story even more heartwarming.
New Hope For A Senior Beagle
According to Sanctuary Rescue’s Facebook post, Abby has found a foster mom, Courtney, who provided her with all the comfort she needs:
“Foster mom assured us that Abby, the senior beagle, has made herself right at home. She busied herself yesterday by trying out every single dog bed in the home. She thinks she’s Goldilocks.”
Judging by the pictures Courtney sent to the rescue, Abby is having a great time in her new home, and she isn’t shy of trying out every possible place in the house to find the perfect spot for herself.
“She is so, so sweet. The quietest beagle I’ve ever met. Housebroken, polite on leash, and happy as a clam. She LOVES snacks, and is so funny at dinnertime”, says Courtney.
It seems that Abby didn’t only find the perfect bed, but some delicious treats as well, according to this video.
Sanctuary Rescue is doing everything they can to provide Abby with all the care and attention she needs, and there’s no better place than the loving home of a foster parent who has both experience and will to make her days brighter until she’s finally adopted.
We can’t even imagine how difficult it was for Abby’s family to give her up, but we’re also sure they’re beyond happy to see that she ended up in a good place with wonderful people.
Abby, The Supermodel Doggie
Abby’s foster mom seems to be a wonderful doggie parent who loves spending fun times with her pets and taking adorable photos of them.
The 12-year-old Beagle might be a senior doggo, but that didn’t save her from having a photoshoot with various types of costumes.
These pictures were just too adorable not to share them:
Sweetest Lion You’ll Ever See
Braided Lady
Saint Patrick’s Doggie
Make Room For Bunny Princess
She’s Now Up For Adoption
Abby, the adorable Beagle, is up for adoption for everyone living within two hours of Richmond, Virginia, according to the post from Sanctuary Rescue.
All information about the adoption process is available on Pet Finder’s website.
However, let me warn you in time that she doesn’t come with her portrait, as Sanctuary Rescue mentioned in their post:
“We’re thinking of hanging the dog’s portrait in our office to remind us to be humble, to give grace, to spend energy on loving instead of judging, and to always help where and when we can because you just never know what the future holds and what curveballs life might throw at you.”