Teacher Was Forced To Surrender His Dog To A Shelter And Their Goodbye Is Really Heartbreaking

Kindness is an underrated virtue. It doesn’t get said often, but there are many people who will offer their help to a stray animal and ask nothing in return.

Those types of people are the true heroes on this planet and I feel like their journeys are not told often enough.

In this story, we will talk about a teacher who had to give up a stray dog he adopted, and their final goodbye is just a tearjerker.

Scholar Is A Very Good Boy

the teacher is sitting on a chair and petting the dog
Source: Villalobos Rescue Center – Life 4 Paws, Inc.

When Scholar was just a few months old, he was already dealing with many of life’s hardships on his own.

On one fateful day, however, a Good Samaritan from New Orleans decided that he would take him in his home.

This adorable little puppy was given a chance to live a normal life and he just enjoyed every second of it.

Villalobos Rescue Center said in a post: The little guy had been found as a stray and this man, who was also a teacher at a New Orleans school, took this sweet little boy home to care for him.

But it didn’t last long because when his landlord found out, he told him to get rid of the puppy.

He took him to the rescue center where he explained the entire situation about Scholar. They were very understanding and decided to take him in.

The post continues with: A renewed sense of faith in humanity began to take over. Paperwork was filled out and we assured the Good Samaritan teacher that the pup was in good hands.

A Very Emotional Goodbye

dog leaning on owner
Source: Villalobos Rescue Center – Life 4 Paws, Inc.

The final moment had arrived. It wasn’t easy. The Good Samaritan hugged his sweet dog and then sent him off into his new and more hopeful future.

The shelter workers gave him the name, Scholar, in honor of the teacher who loved him and provided him with a home for as long as he could.

After the beautiful goodbye, the brave dog was taken to a foster home where he would await more news about his situation.

Tia Torres, a rescuer, told The Dodo: He’s doing great. There are lots of things that go into making such a big decision and while our followers were probably looking for that happy ending, Scholar’s story will continue on his own.

portrait of two smiling dogs on an armchair with their owners
Source: Alyssa Emanuelson

Not long afterward, he was moved to the Pet Pack Rescue Initiative, in Illinois, which is also an organization that helps dogs find their forever home.

Torres continues by saying: As a former teacher myself, it got me in the feels. We thought that rescue was the perfect next step to Scholar’s ‘life’s lessons’ and onto his journey to finding a forever home.

After spending some time at the rescue center, a new opportunity presented itself. When Scholar’s new family met him, they just knew that he was the one. 
It took no time for them to make the decision, and they were very eager to take him to his new home.

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